Articles tagged with Patrik Strömer

Danish nicotine ban Danmark kan förbjuda alla nikotinprodukter för unga personer

Danish nicotine ban under fire: ‘discrimination and desperate symbolism’

Danish nicotine ban under fire: ‘discrimination and desperate symbolism’

A proposed Danish nicotine ban that would prevent anyone born 2010 or later from ever buying nicotine products has been slammed by critics for being discriminatory and ineffective Currently, Denmark has an age limit of 18 for purchasing cigarettes and othe...

tobacco tax sweden nordic cigarette prices

Sweden tobacco tax travesty: punish snus users and keep cigarettes cheap

Sweden tobacco tax travesty: punish snus users and keep cigarettes cheap

Sweden’s controversial new tobacco tax proposal would further punish already over-taxed snus users while failing to address the fact that Sweden has the Nordics' cheapest cigarettes. The Swedish government ...

snusforumet readership

Snusforumet readership reaches new heights

Snusforumet readership reaches new heights

Snusforumet readership jumped 44 percent during 2021 amid rising interest in tobacco and public health policy both in Sweden and internationally. “It’s extremely gratifying to know that so many people are i...

Ayesha Verrall Smokefree 2025 Action Plan New Zealand

New Zealand Smokefree 2025 Action Plan ‘shouldn’t overshadow’ harm reduction progress

New Zealand Smokefree 2025 Action Plan ‘shouldn’t overshadow’ harm reduction progress

New Zealand’s Smokefree 2025 Action Plan, which will outlaw smoking for the next generation, has angered many tobacco harm reduction advocates. But Patrik Strömer of the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacture...

flavour ban vape zyn nicotine pouches

Flavour ban ‘uncertainty’ clouds BECA tobacco harm reduction win

Flavour ban ‘uncertainty’ clouds BECA tobacco harm reduction win

A special committee of MEPs has adopted language acknowledging tobacco harm reduction as part of a sweeping set of recommendations to guide the EU’s fight against cancer. But concerns about a widened flavour b...

tobacco endgame, non-smoking; non-combustible

Snus brings Sweden even closer to ‘tobacco endgame’ goal

Snus brings Sweden even closer to ‘tobacco endgame’ goal

Smoking rates in Sweden continue to fall, with levels now below the internationally recognised "tobacco endgame" goal of five percent for an increasing share of the population. The new figures also suggest snu...


FCTC COP9: All eyes on UK as pressure mounts over WHO harm reduction stance

FCTC COP9: All eyes on UK as pressure mounts over WHO harm reduction stance

Amid a growing chorus calling for the WHO to drop its opposition to tobacco harm reduction, many are pinning their hopes on a post-Brexit UK to challenge the status quo at the upcoming FCTC COP9 meetings. F...

lars dahlgren swedish match smoke-free

Swedish Match to create world’s first smoke-free tobacco company

Swedish Match to create world’s first smoke-free tobacco company

Swedish Match has announced plans to sell off its remaining cigar business, a move that would put the Swedish snus maker “way out ahead” of its peers as the world’s first smoke-free tobacco company. The Sto...

Global Forum on Nicotine 2021

Global Forum on Nicotine 2021 preview: Patrik Strömer on snus and the future of nicotine

Global Forum on Nicotine 2021 preview: Patrik Strömer on snus and the future of nicotine

Patrik Strömer, Secretary General of the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacturers, offers his recommendations and expectations about what to watch ahead of the Global Forum on Nicotine 2021. Themed ‘the Fu...