Articles tagged with Snus and health


Study linking snus to cancer questioned: bias and flaws exposed

Study linking snus to cancer questioned: bias and flaws exposed

Knut Peder Heen, a researcher at Molde University College, critiques a Norwegian study in a Romsdals Budstikke op-ed, disputing its claim of a strong link between snus (smokeless tobacco) use and cancer. He labels the study as deeply flawed and warns of 'poli...

snus tiktok france

‘Misguided’ French fears following le snus TikTok trend 

‘Misguided’ French fears following le snus TikTok trend 

TikTok videos featuring young people using snus and nicotine pouches have sparked “misinformed scaremongering” in France based on false claims about the health risks of smokeless nicotine products. Fears ...


Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 7 – First, tell the truth

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 7 – First, tell the truth

Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...


Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 6 – Scientists for prohibition

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 6 – Scientists for prohibition

Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...


Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 5 – The report that nearly was

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 5 – The report that nearly was

Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...

Snus and the Art of Suppression

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 4 – The alliance against snus

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 4 – The alliance against snus

Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...


Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 3 – Harm reduction

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 3 – Harm reduction

Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...


New study confirms no increased cardiovascular risk for snusers

New study confirms no increased cardiovascular risk for snusers

Using snus does not increase the risk of heart failure or other cardiovascular disease mortality, a new study has found, confirming the findings of previous studies on the topic. The latest study to examine...


‘No connection’ between how much one snuses and increased mortality

‘No connection’ between how much one snuses and increased mortality

A new study from Umeå University and the Karolinska Institutet has identified an increased risk of mortality among users of Swedish snus compared to non-tobacco users, but the supposed link may instead be rela...