
Sweden’s Snus Commission: snus best way to quit smoking

A new report from Sweden’s Snus Commission argues that those who give up smoking with the use of snus have the best chance of long-term success.

No other alternative product is more effective than snus for those who have managed to give up the highly dangerous habit for five years or more. 

Misconceptions about snus

The report shows that snus is the most effective smoking cessation product over time, that misconceptions about the health effects of snus are particularly common among smokers, and that these misunderstandings are supported by state-funded organisations.

Read the full report here.

Read the Snus Commission’s debate article in Aftonbladet.

About the Snus Commission

The Snus Commission is an independent commission that produces reports on issues related to Swedish snus. The Commission is funded by the Swedish Snus Manufacturers’ Association, an association of companies in Sweden that manufactures, markets and sells snus. However, the Commission’s conclusions are independent of its financiers, and they have therefore not had the opportunity to attend meetings or comment on the content of the report.