Articles tagged with Smoking
Snus saves thousands of lives in Sweden each year: study
Snus saves thousands of lives in Sweden each year: study
A new study on the effects of snus on smoking habits and mortality reveals that snus helps save thousands of lives in Sweden each year. The use of snus has not only reduced the number of people who start smoking, but more importantly, helped many quit smoking...
‘How Sweden Quit Smoking’ premieres in Stockholm
‘How Sweden Quit Smoking’ premieres in Stockholm
At the Stockholm premiere of 'How Sweden Quit Smoking', We Are Innovation showcased Sweden's journey to being smoke-free. CEO Federico Fernandez emphasized innovative solutions like snus, while panelists discu...
Study linking snus to cancer questioned: bias and flaws exposed
Study linking snus to cancer questioned: bias and flaws exposed
Knut Peder Heen, a researcher at Molde University College, critiques a Norwegian study in a Romsdals Budstikke op-ed, disputing its claim of a strong link between snus (smokeless tobacco) use and cancer. He la...
Nordic harm reduction shifts: Sweden’s snus tax cut
Nordic harm reduction shifts: Sweden’s snus tax cut
Nordic harm reduction takes a new turn with as Sweden decides to cut taxes on its favored snus, a smokeless tobacco, and raising them on cigarettes. Is this a new regional trend to reduce tobacco harm? Swed...
Finland’s proposal on nicotine pouches: ‘A step forward’
Finland’s proposal on nicotine pouches: ‘A step forward’
From the vision of a 'smoke-free Finland' to a more progressive attitude towards alternative nicotine products. What does Finland's nicotine pouches policy shift mean for the country's future? Snusforumet had ...
NRT Study Published: Sparks Hope for More Research
NRT Study Published: Sparks Hope for More Research
A new US study shows that Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) doesn't change important health biomarkers. This gives hope to people trying to quit smoking and suggests other nicotine products might help too. ...
US joins global shift from cigarettes to safer alternatives as smoking rate hits new low
US joins global shift from cigarettes to safer alternatives as smoking rate hits new low
The US daily smoking rate recently hit a new historic low, echoing similar patterns in Japan, Norway, and Sweden, where the increased availability of lower-risk nicotine alternatives has coincided with a drop ...
New research shows snus helps smokers quit
New research shows snus helps smokers quit
A recent study from Norway finds that snus is an effective smoking cessation tool. Researchers conclude that successful attempts to quit “were strongly related to the use of snus,” further evidence demonstrati...
‘A sad day for UK smokers’: snus ignored in tobacco legislation review
‘A sad day for UK smokers’: snus ignored in tobacco legislation review
The UK government’s recent post-implementation review of tobacco legislation lacks any mention of snus, delivering a blow to hopes the smokeless tobacco product could help Britain reach its ambitious smoke-fre...