Articles tagged with Swedish Experience

Beyond partisanship: How the US could learn from Sweden’s nicotine pouch approach
Beyond partisanship: How the US could learn from Sweden’s nicotine pouch approach
Nicotine pouches have ignited a media firestorm in the US. While these pouches have been a mainstay in Sweden since the 2010s, their recent surge in popularity across the Atlantic has sparked concerns over public health, marketing tactics, and potential gatew...

Curt Enzell: The tea-loving scientist who spawned a snus revolution
Curt Enzell: The tea-loving scientist who spawned a snus revolution
For the latest in our Harm Reduction Heroes series, we tell the story of Curt Enzell, the little-known Swedish scientist who had an outsize impact on snus and modern oral nicotine products. And it all started ...

Sweden nears smoke-free status: a ‘public health miracle’
Sweden nears smoke-free status: a ‘public health miracle’
Sweden will soon be the first country in the world to reach smoke-free status. And lessons from Sweden's "public health miracle" can help inspire other countries, according to a new report on the “Swedish Exp...

EU cancer summit snubs Swedes’ lung cancer success: ‘A missed opportunity’
EU cancer summit snubs Swedes’ lung cancer success: ‘A missed opportunity’
Sweden boasts the EU’s lowest lung cancer rates, thanks largely to the prevalence of Swedish snus. Yet a high-level EU cancer conference hosted in Stockholm as part of the Swedish EU presidency failed to highl...

‘Nicotine alternatives help smokers quit cigarettes’
‘Nicotine alternatives help smokers quit cigarettes’
The world’s one billion smokers need options to help them quit smoking, says oncologist and researcher Lars Rutqvist, who explains why nicotine pouches can be a safer choice for those looking to quit cigarette...

Martin Cullip: Defending nicotine against the ‘nanny state’
Martin Cullip: Defending nicotine against the ‘nanny state’
In this instalment of our Harm Reduction Heroes series, Snusforumet talks to consumer advocate and former New Nicotine Alliance chair Martin Cullip about his participation in the grassroots movement that force...

Dutch flavour ban fears: Copy Sweden’s harm reduction model instead
Dutch flavour ban fears: Copy Sweden’s harm reduction model instead
A proposed Dutch flavour ban has tobacco harm reduction advocates scrambling, prompting questions as to why the Netherlands doesn’t instead follow Sweden’s example when it comes to regulating nicotine products...

Snus ‘best thing that ever happened’ in Scandinavia: medical expert
Snus ‘best thing that ever happened’ in Scandinavia: medical expert
Dr. Kgosi Letlape, head of the Africa Medical Association, has hailed snus for its ability to help cut smoking rates across Scandinavia. He also expressed frustration at moves to ban Swedish snus and other red...

Beating cancer: Clive Bates on what the EU got wrong about tobacco
Beating cancer: Clive Bates on what the EU got wrong about tobacco
The European Commission recently released it’s much anticipated plan for beating cancer. While the goals are admirable, the EU Beating Cancer plan is plagued by a “fundamental error” when it comes to tobacco a...