
Snusforumet’s most-read articles of 2022

What were the most popular stories from 2022 among Snusforumet readers during the last year? We’ve compiled a list of Snusforumet’s most-read articles of 2022 to make it easier for readers to find, read, and share the “greatest hits” of the past 12 months.

As 2022 draws to a close, we’ve taken the time to review all the articles we’ve published during the year. And somehow there were even more than we remember!

Indeed, it’s been another eventful year in snus, which has kept the Snusforumet editorial team on its toes. The constant flow of news and views to monitor on Twitter or Facebook means it’s easy to forget which stories had an impact on us and on our readers.

So, which articles were actually the most popular during the last year, you might ask?

Just take a look at the list we’ve assembled below of Snusforumet’s most-read articles of 2022.



Docs expose DG SANTE ‘duplicity’ on nicotine pouch regulation


EU cancer plan passage ‘important step’ for tobacco harm reduction: Swedish MEP


Guitar hero Slash: Snus ‘the best discovery in the world’


German agency: ‘nicotine pouch risks are low’


Sweden tobacco tax travesty: punish snus users and keep cigarettes cheap

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