Articles about Opinions
Swedish anti-tobacco activist slammed in Brussels for ‘ignoring human psychology’
Swedish anti-tobacco activist slammed in Brussels for ‘ignoring human psychology’
The former Czech National Drugs Coordinator has criticized a Swedish anti-tobacco activist in an opinion article published in Brussels’ largest English-language daily. The article, written by Jindrich Voboril, is an “open reaction” to a text by Helen Stjer...
May 2021 Snus Quiz: Test your knowledge
May 2021 Snus Quiz: Test your knowledge
Welcome to the May 2021 Snus Quiz! How much do you know about snus and the latest snus news? Take Snusforumet's simple quiz below and see if you're staying up to speed with what's been published on Snusforu...
Welcome to Snusforumet!
Welcome to Snusforumet!
We are pleased to launch this international version of Snusforumet, which has been published in Swedish since 2014. So what is snus and why does it deserve a site dedicated to publishing news and informatio...
April 2021 Snus Quiz: Test your knowledge
April 2021 Snus Quiz: Test your knowledge
Welcome to the April 2021 Snus Quiz! How much do you know about snus and the latest snus news? Take Snusforumet's simple quiz below and see if you're staying up to speed with what's been published on Snusfo...
Beating cancer: Clive Bates on what the EU got wrong about tobacco
Beating cancer: Clive Bates on what the EU got wrong about tobacco
The European Commission recently released it’s much anticipated plan for beating cancer. While the goals are admirable, the EU Beating Cancer plan is plagued by a “fundamental error” when it comes to tobacco a...
Snus Commission slams EU’s Beating Cancer Plan
Snus Commission slams EU’s Beating Cancer Plan
EU policymakers are guilty of spreading “fake news” about the true causes of cancer in their recently released Beating Cancer Plan, a Swedish group has claimed. In a sharply worded letter to the European Co...
‘Blatant moralism’ behind campaign against tobacco-free nicotine products
‘Blatant moralism’ behind campaign against tobacco-free nicotine products
As Sweden waits for a decision on how to regulate of tobacco-free nicotine products, Helen Stjerna, Secretary General of A Non Smoking Generation, has criticised the category in a debate article. Patrik Ströme...
‘EU cancer plan should take inspiration from Sweden’
‘EU cancer plan should take inspiration from Sweden’
The new EU cancer plan still equates cigarettes with snus and other smokeless tobacco products -- despite scientific evidence to the contrary -- meaning its €4bn budget risks being misspent, snus manufac...
Debate: Snus could save the lives of Swedish women
Debate: Snus could save the lives of Swedish women
Sweden’s tobacco policy is failing Swedish women by treating smoking and snus as equally harmful, the Snus Commission has argued in a hard-hitting opinion piece published in the Aftonbladet newspaper. "Snus...