Articles about Opinions
David Sweanor: Swedish Match deserves as much credit as Volvo for saving lives
David Sweanor: Swedish Match deserves as much credit as Volvo for saving lives
Swedish Match has never gotten the credit it deserves for offering products that help save lives, says tobacco control pioneer David Sweanor. And he’s not sure the company’s complete exit from combustible tobacco will help. Earlier this week, Swedish Match...
Smokers in Africa: Nicotine pouches offer an alternative to ‘quit or die’
Smokers in Africa: Nicotine pouches offer an alternative to ‘quit or die’
Helping smokers in Africa quit is an uphill battle and smokers on the continent have said nicotine pouches can help. But knee-jerk reactions by policymakers have removed this important lifeline, hurting people...
Christopher Snowdon: snus ban a ‘shameful episode’ in EU history
Christopher Snowdon: snus ban a ‘shameful episode’ in EU history
In an exclusive interview with Snusforumet, author and commentator Christopher Snowdon reflects on the legacy of the EU snus ban ten years after he published an exhaustive account of the “shameful episode” in ...
Global Forum on Nicotine 2021 preview: Patrik Strömer on snus and the future of nicotine
Global Forum on Nicotine 2021 preview: Patrik Strömer on snus and the future of nicotine
Patrik Strömer, Secretary General of the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacturers, offers his recommendations and expectations about what to watch ahead of the Global Forum on Nicotine 2021. Themed ‘the Fu...
EU Nicotine Users Survey: 3 of 10 EU smokers would switch to snus if it were legal
EU Nicotine Users Survey: 3 of 10 EU smokers would switch to snus if it were legal
Nearly a third of EU smokers would consider switching to snus if it were legal, the results of the EU Nicotine Users Survey reveal. The survey found that 31 percent of smokers who want to quit indicat...
Swedish MEP: Revised EU Tobacco Products Directive must allow snus
Swedish MEP: Revised EU Tobacco Products Directive must allow snus
The upcoming revision of the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) is an opportunity to finally lift the EU’s ban on snus and give smokers the chance to switch to a much less harmful product, argues Swedish MEP ...
Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 7 – First, tell the truth
Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 7 – First, tell the truth
Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...
‘Snus has Sweden on track to be world’s first smoke-free country’
‘Snus has Sweden on track to be world’s first smoke-free country’
Only five percent of the Swedish population smokes, meaning the country may soon lay claim to being the world's first smoke-free country, argues Sweden’s Snus Commission. "The reason is snus," the group wri...
Swedish MEP calls out Commission ‘dishonesty’ on snus and cancer
Swedish MEP calls out Commission ‘dishonesty’ on snus and cancer
Swedish MEP Sara Skyttedal believes the European Commission’s “ideological opposition” to all tobacco and nicotine leaves ignorant on the science on Swedish snus and cancer. And progress on the EU’s Beating Ca...