Articles tagged with Snus ban


Sweden’s success in nicotine pouch regulations: lessons for the EU 

Sweden’s success in nicotine pouch regulations: lessons for the EU 

The EU’s inner market for nicotine pouches has become a hodgepodge of inconsistent, ad hoc rules often lacking scientific basis. How did we get here, and what could policymakers across the EU learn about nicotine pouch regulations from the example of Sweden? ...

Finland Sweden Sverige

Sweden vs. Finland: Snus, tobacco control, and public health

Sweden vs. Finland: Snus, tobacco control, and public health

Finland consistently outranks Sweden when it comes to tobacco control. But does Finland’s higher ranking translate into public health gains? Snusforumet takes a closer look. Sweden and Finland share a long ...

UK tobacco legislation khan review

Fresh report slams Khan review, renews calls for UK to legalise snus

Fresh report slams Khan review, renews calls for UK to legalise snus

Increased accessibility to low-risk alternatives like snus and nicotine pouches, rather than prohibition advocated by the Khan review, are key to getting UK smokers to kick the habit, according to a fresh repo...


‘Finland and Sweden should join forces to liberalise EU snus legislation’

‘Finland and Sweden should join forces to liberalise EU snus legislation’

Support for more liberal snus legislation is growing in Finland - but it’s at the EU level that change must take place. Sweden's next government should join forces with Finland to help rally public opinion and...


BBC highlights snus’s potential to help cut UK smoking rates

BBC highlights snus’s potential to help cut UK smoking rates

Swedish snus played a starring role in a recent BBC news segment exploring the smokeless tobacco product’s potential to help cut UK smoking rates. The segment also features Professor David Nutt, an expert i...

Bengt Wiberg EUforSnus Harm Reduction Heroes

Bengt Wiberg: one inventor’s fight to legalise snus in the EU

Bengt Wiberg: one inventor’s fight to legalise snus in the EU

In the first instalment of Snusforumet's Harm Reduction Heroes series, Snusforumet catches up with Bengt Wiberg, a Swedish entrepreneur whose passion for snus has spawned a global movement to legalise snus in ...

Lukas Reimann legalise snus in Switzerland

Meet Lukas Reimann, the MP and ex-smoker who helped legalise snus in Switzerland

Meet Lukas Reimann, the MP and ex-smoker who helped legalise snus in Switzerland

Swiss MP Lukas Reimann explains how a chance encounter with Swedish snus helped him kick a 20-year smoking habit, legalise snus in Switzerland, and become an outspoken ambassador for smokeless nicotine product...

Christopher Snowdon

Christopher Snowdon: snus ban a ‘shameful episode’ in EU history

Christopher Snowdon: snus ban a ‘shameful episode’ in EU history

In an exclusive interview with Snusforumet, author and commentator Christopher Snowdon reflects on the legacy of the EU snus ban ten years after he published an exhaustive account of the “shameful episode” in ...

jo churchill uk snus ban review

UK breaks from ‘flawed’ EU science with vow of evidence-based snus ban review

UK breaks from ‘flawed’ EU science with vow of evidence-based snus ban review

UK health minister Jo Churchill’s promise of an evidence-based snus ban review marks a significant turning point in acknowledging the questionable science behind the impact assessment used by the EU to justify...