Articles tagged with New Zealand

New Zealand tobacco policy shift: no more ’endgame’
New Zealand tobacco policy shift: no more ’endgame’
New Zealand tobacco policy is changing. The new government plans to reverse the 'endgame' policy. This shift from coercion to consent could lead to more effective tobacco control and align with global harm reduction debates. The new coalition government in...

Fears mount over Norway plans for NZ-style tobacco, flavour bans
Fears mount over Norway plans for NZ-style tobacco, flavour bans
The Norwegian government is considering a lifetime tobacco ban inspired by a policy recently implemented in New Zealand. A ban on flavoured tobacco is also on the table, much to the dismay of public health exp...

Marewa Glover: Anti-tobacco zealot turned harm reduction advocate
Marewa Glover: Anti-tobacco zealot turned harm reduction advocate
In this instalment of our Harm Reduction Heroes series, Snusforumet talks to Dr. Marewa Glover, director of the independent Auckland-based Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, w...

Danish nicotine ban under fire: ‘discrimination and desperate symbolism’
Danish nicotine ban under fire: ‘discrimination and desperate symbolism’
A proposed Danish nicotine ban that would prevent anyone born 2010 or later from ever buying nicotine products has been slammed by critics for being discriminatory and ineffective Currently, Denmark has an ...

New Zealand Smokefree 2025 Action Plan ‘shouldn’t overshadow’ harm reduction progress
New Zealand Smokefree 2025 Action Plan ‘shouldn’t overshadow’ harm reduction progress
New Zealand’s Smokefree 2025 Action Plan, which will outlaw smoking for the next generation, has angered many tobacco harm reduction advocates. But Patrik Strömer of the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacture...