Articles tagged with Christopher Snowdon

Fresh report slams Khan review, renews calls for UK to legalise snus
Fresh report slams Khan review, renews calls for UK to legalise snus
Increased accessibility to low-risk alternatives like snus and nicotine pouches, rather than prohibition advocated by the Khan review, are key to getting UK smokers to kick the habit, according to a fresh report that goes on to call UK harm reduction messagin...

Nicotine regulation in Europe: ‘It feels like we’re going backwards’
Nicotine regulation in Europe: ‘It feels like we’re going backwards’
Despite ample evidence that snus and new nicotine products can save lives by helping people quit smoking, harm reduction advocates and industry experts fear that European policymakers are less informed about n...

Christopher Snowdon: snus ban a ‘shameful episode’ in EU history
Christopher Snowdon: snus ban a ‘shameful episode’ in EU history
In an exclusive interview with Snusforumet, author and commentator Christopher Snowdon reflects on the legacy of the EU snus ban ten years after he published an exhaustive account of the “shameful episode” in ...

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 7 – First, tell the truth
Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 7 – First, tell the truth
Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 6 – Scientists for prohibition
Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 6 – Scientists for prohibition
Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 5 – The report that nearly was
Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 5 – The report that nearly was
Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 4 – The alliance against snus
Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 4 – The alliance against snus
Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 3 – Harm reduction
Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 3 – Harm reduction
Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...

Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 2 – The EU ban
Snus and the Art of Suppression: Part 2 – The EU ban
Why is snus banned in the European Union? How did it happen? Snusforumet, in partnership with author and commentator Christopher Snowdon, brings you the inside story behind one of the EU's more confounding pol...