Articles tagged with Bengt Wiberg

Bengt Wiberg: one inventor’s fight to legalise snus in the EU
Bengt Wiberg: one inventor’s fight to legalise snus in the EU
In the first instalment of Snusforumet's Harm Reduction Heroes series, Snusforumet catches up with Bengt Wiberg, a Swedish entrepreneur whose passion for snus has spawned a global movement to legalise snus in the EU – as well as patents to help make the Swedi...

Guitar hero Slash: Snus ‘the best discovery in the world’
Guitar hero Slash: Snus ‘the best discovery in the world’
Rock star Slash, lead guitarist of the iconic 90s rock band Guns N’ Roses, has re-affirmed his love for Swedish snus. “When I first quit smoking, which was in 2009, pretty soon after that I discovered...
Fight to end snus ban continues despite new EU ‘no’
Fight to end snus ban continues despite new EU ‘no’
The ban on the sale of snus in the European Union is set to remain in place after the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled against Swedish Match in what campaigners slammed as “a defeat for public health”. ...