Articles tagged with Vaping

Tobacco control experts lament ‘unbalanced’ debate on harm reduction
Tobacco control experts lament ‘unbalanced’ debate on harm reduction
Kenneth E. Warner is among a group of prominent tobacco control experts who warn that focusing too much on nicotine’s potential risks for youth has resulted in an “unbalanced” debate that overlooks the potential benefits of tobacco harm reduction. Warner,...

Nicotine alternatives ‘crucial’ to UK quit smoking efforts: report
Nicotine alternatives ‘crucial’ to UK quit smoking efforts: report
A new report from Public Health England (PHE) had found that nicotine alternatives such as e-cigarettes and snus can play a “crucial” role in reducing the health burden caused by cigarette smoking. The repo...

Column: How should e-cigarettes be taxed? By weight, harm or arbitrarily?
Column: How should e-cigarettes be taxed? By weight, harm or arbitrarily?
Swedish snus has been around for 200 years, e-cigarettes in their current form were invented during this millennium. Both products share the advantage that users can ingest nicotine without being exposed to ha...