Articles tagged with Smoking


Swedes name snus as best way to quit smoking

Swedes name snus as best way to quit smoking

Swedes who want to quit smoking succeed most often with snus, according to a new survey from Demoskop. Smoking is one of the most difficult habits to ditch. According to a 2015 study by the American Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 70 percent of smo...


How false information about snus affects public health in Norway

How false information about snus affects public health in Norway

Medical research clearly demonstrates that snus is a lesser risk to health than smoking, but the myth that snus and cigarettes carry equivalent health risks persists, hampering efforts to improve public health...


New US study confirms that smokers have faulty perception of snus

New US study confirms that smokers have faulty perception of snus

A new study from Rutgers University has revealed that a large proportion of smokers in the United States mistakenly believe that snus is as harmful to their health as carcinogenic cigarettes. “It’s a seriou...


Two countries without snus miss smoking reduction goals

Two countries without snus miss smoking reduction goals

Tougher legislation and more anti-smoking measures have not yielded the expected results in Spain or Australia, two countries where snus is banned. Spain banned smoking in the workplace in 2005 and in resta...


More well-educated Swedish women choose snus

More well-educated Swedish women choose snus

Daily snus use is more common among women with at least upper secondary education compared to women who have only attained lower secondary schooling, a new report shows. Snus is also more popular among men...


Sweden’s Snus Commission: snus best way to quit smoking

Sweden’s Snus Commission: snus best way to quit smoking

A new report from Sweden's Snus Commission argues that those who give up smoking with the use of snus have the best chance of long-term success. No other alternative product is more effective than snus for...


Fewer smokers in Sweden

Fewer smokers in Sweden

The international science magazine New Scientist has highlighted Sweden's path towards becoming a smoke-free nation.  In 2016, only 5 percent of men aged 30 to 44 smoked, and in total, only 8 percent of Swe...


18 researchers: Snus can lead to the end of smoking

18 researchers: Snus can lead to the end of smoking

Eighteen researchers from across the world have published an opinion piece in Sweden’s Aftonbladet newspaper in which they call for the country to do a better job in publicizing snus’ positive impact on public...