Articles tagged with NRT

Canada tightens grip on nicotine pouches
Canada tightens grip on nicotine pouches
In a controversial move, the Canadian government has decided to restrict the sale of nicotine pouches to pharmacies only, despite them being classified as aids for quitting smoking. This measure will make better alternatives for smokers in Canada who want to ...

NRT Study Published: Sparks Hope for More Research
NRT Study Published: Sparks Hope for More Research
A new US study shows that Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) doesn't change important health biomarkers. This gives hope to people trying to quit smoking and suggests other nicotine products might help too. ...

Snus ‘most effective’ aid to help quit smoking: study
Snus ‘most effective’ aid to help quit smoking: study
New research from Norway shows that smokers who switch to snus have an increased likelihood of success when trying to quit smoking. Researchers Ingeborg & Marianne Lund analyzed data from a nation...

‘Snus has Sweden on track to be world’s first smoke-free country’
‘Snus has Sweden on track to be world’s first smoke-free country’
Only five percent of the Swedish population smokes, meaning the country may soon lay claim to being the world's first smoke-free country, argues Sweden’s Snus Commission. "The reason is snus," the group wri...

Nicotine misconceptions: Sudhanshu Patwardhan on causes, consequences, and potential cures
Nicotine misconceptions: Sudhanshu Patwardhan on causes, consequences, and potential cures
Snusforumet catches up with Dr. Sudhanshu Patwardhan to learn more about the harm reduction expert’s recent paper on nicotine pouches and why nicotine misconceptions are so widespread. Patwardhan – also kno...

Swedes name snus as best way to quit smoking
Swedes name snus as best way to quit smoking
Swedes who want to quit smoking succeed most often with snus, according to a new survey from Demoskop. Smoking is one of the most difficult habits to ditch. According to a 2015 study by the American Center ...