2003 |
Rodu, B. et al. |
Evolving patterns of tobacco use in northern Sweden |
Journal of Internal Medicine 2003; 253: 660–665 |
2003 |
Foulds, J., Ramstrom, L., Burke, M., Fagerström K. |
Effect of smokeless tobacco (snus) on smoking and public health in Sweden |
Tobacco Control. 12:349-359 |
2007 |
Tobacco Advisory Group of the Royal College of Physicians |
Harm reduction in nicotine addiction |
Royal College of Physicians |
2008 |
World Health Organization |
The Scientific Basis of Tobacco Product Regulation |
World Health Organization |
2008 |
Tobacco Advisory Group of the Royal College of Physicians |
Ending tobacco smoking in Britain |
Royal College of Physicians of London |
2008 |
Furberg, H. et al. |
Snus use and other correlates of smoking cessation in the Swedish Twin Registry |
Psychological Medicine 38(9):1299-308 |
2008 |
Britton, John och Edwards, Richard |
Tobacco smoking, harm reduction, and nicotine product regulation |
Viewpoint, vol 371 February 2 |
2009 |
World Health Organization |
Toxicological evaluation of certain residues of veterinary drugs in food |
World Health Organization |
2009 |
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Ungdom og rusmidler - Resultater fra spørreskjemaundersøkelser 1968 – 2008 |
SIRUS-Rapport nr. 5/2009 |
2009 |
Rodu, B., Jansson, J-H., och Eliasson, M. |
The low prevalence of smoking in the Northern Sweden MONICA study, 2009 |
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health; 0: 1–4 |
2009 |
Lund, Karl Erik |
A tobacco-free society or harm reduction? Which objective is best for the remaining smokers in Scandinavia? |
SIRUS Report No. 5/2009 |
2009 |
Hedblad, Bo och Janzon, Ellis |
Swedish snuff and incidence of cardiovascular disease: A population-based cohort study |
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 9:21 |
2009 |
Anteckningar från möte om snus på EU:s inre marknad. 2009-05-19 |
Bandupptagning från mötet |
2010 |
Swedish Match |
Swedish Snus and Health |
Swedish Match |
2010 |
Swedish Match |
Swedish snus and the internal market |
Swedish Match |
2010 |
Swedish Match |
What is Swedish snus? |
Swedish Match |
2010 |
Karl E. Lund , Janne Scheffels, & Ann McNeill |
The use of snus for quitting smoking compared to medicinal products |
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 12(8):817-22 |
2011 |
Swedish Match |
Snus and Sweden data and analysis 2010-11 |
Swedish Match |
2011 |
Socialstyrelsen |
Nationella riktlinjer för sjukdomsförebyggande metoder 2011 - Tobaksbruk, riskbruk av alkohol, otillräcklig fysisk aktivitet och ohälsosamma matvanor |
Socialstyrelsen |
2011 |
Socialstyrelsen |
Nationella riktlinjer för sjukdomsförebyggande metoder 2011 - Vetenskapligt underlag |
Socialstyrelsen |
2011 |
Rutqvist, Lars E. et al. |
Swedish snus and the GothiaTek® standard |
Harm Reduction Journal, 8:11 |
2011 |
Ramström, Lars M. och Wikmans, Tom |
Revisiting Harm Reduction - An Update of Pros and Cons |
Research Group for Societal and Information Studies (FSI) |
2011 |
Nilsson, Robert |
The molecular basis for induction of human cancers by tobacco specific nitrosamines |
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2011 Jul;60(2):268-80 |
2011 |
Malvezzi, M. et al. |
European cancer mortality predictions for the year 2011 |
Annals of Oncology, 2011 Apr;22(4):947-56 |
2011 |
Lund, Karl Erik |
Kan Norge bli røykfritt? |
Tidsskrift for Den norske Legeforening nr. 6, 2011; 131: 563–4 |
2011 |
Lee, Peter N. |
Summary of the epidemiological evidence relating snus to health |
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 59, 197–214 |
2011 |
Le Houezec, Jacques et al |
Tobacco, nicotine and harm reduction |
Drug and Alcohol Review 30, 119–123 |
2011 |
Bertuccio, P. et al. |
Cigar and pipe smoking, smokeless tobacco use and pancreatic cancer: an analysis from the International Pancreatic Cancer Case-Control Consortium (PanC4) |
Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology. |
2012 |
Scheffels et al. |
Contrasting snus and NRT as methods to quit smoking. an observational study |
Harm Reduction Journal 2012, 9:10 |
2012 |
Molander Gregory, Karin |
Novel tobacco products - snus |
Folkhälsoinstitutet |
2012 |
McNeill Ann och Munafò, Marcus R |
Reducing harm from tobacco use |
Journal of Psychopharmacology, Volume: 27 issue: 1, page(s): 13-18 |
2012 |
Lund, Karl Erik |
Association between willingness to use snus to quit smoking and perception of relative risk between snus and cigarettes |
Nicotine & Tobacco Research. Vol. 14, Nr 10; 1221–1228 |
2012 |
Hortlund, Per och Gabrielsson, Elin |
Samhällsekonomiska besparingar av snus som skadereducerare i Sverige 1990-2011 |
HUI Research |
2012 |
Europeiska kommissionen |
Special Eurobarometer 385 - Attitudes of Europeans Towards Tobacco |
Europeiska kommissionen |
2013 |
Lund, Karl Erik och McNeill, Ann |
Patterns of Dual Use of Snus and Cigarettes in a Mature Snus Market |
Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Volume 15, Number 3 |
2013 |
Lund, Karl Erik |
Tobacco harm reduction in the real world: has the availability of snus in Norway increased smoking cessation? |
Drugs and alcohol today, VOL. 13 NO. 2 2013, pp. 92-101 |
2014 |
Swedish Match |
Vissa Skattefrågor inför budgetproposition 2015 (Tobak) |
Swedish Match |
2014 |
Ramström, L |
How many deaths could conceivably have been averted in the EU if there had not been a ban on snus? |
Institute for Tobacco Studies |
2014 |
Ramström L, Wikmans T. |
Mortality attributable to tobacco among men in Sweden and other European countries: an analysis of data in a WHO report |
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2014;12(1):14 |
2014 |
MarketLine |
Tobacco in Sweden |
MarketLine |
2014 |
Hortlund, Per och Olsson, Camilla |
Samhällsekonomiskt optimala punktskatter på snus |
HUI Research |
2014 |
Framework Convention Alliance |
Winning Approaches to Tobacco Taxation: Lessons from the implementation of Article 6 of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) |
Framework Convention Alliance |
2014 |
Folkehelseinstituttet |
Helserisiko ved bruk av snus (på Norska) |
Folkehelseinstituttet (Norge) |
2015 |
Statskontoret |
Utvärdering av regeringens strategi för ANDT |
Statskontoret |
2015 |
Regeringen |
Regeringens åtgärdsprogram för alkohol-, narkotika-, dopnings- och tobakspolitiken 2015 |
Regeringen |
2015 |
Novus/Svenska Snustillverkarföreningen |
EU-reglering av snusförsäljning |
Novus/Svenska Snustillverkarföreningen |
2015 |
Maki, Jennifer |
The incentives created by a harm reduction approach to smoking cessation: Snus and smoking in Sweden and Finland |
International Journal of Drug Policy. 2015 Jun; 26(6):569-74 |
2015 |
Livsmedelsverket |
Förslag till ändring i Livsmedelsverkets föreskrifter (LIVSFS 2012:6) om snus och tuggtobak |
Livsmedelsverket |
2016 |
Skatteutskottet |
Punktskattehöjningar på alkohol- och tobaksprodukter – skatteeffekter och påverkan på den oregistrerade anskaffningen av dessa produkter |
Riksdag |
2016 |
Ramström, L.; Borland, R.; Wikmans, T. |
Patterns of Smoking and Snus Use in Sweden: Implications for Public Health |
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 1110 |
2016 |
Hatsukami DK, Severson H, Anderson A, et al |
Randomised clinical trial of snus versus medicinal nicotine among smokers interested in product switching |
Tobacco Control 2016;25:267-274. |
2017 |
Snuskommissionen |
Sveket mot rökarna: En rapport om den svenska desinformationen |
Snuskommissionen |
2017 |
Snuskommissionen |
Så många liv kan snuset rädda: En studie om snuset och den tobaksrelaterade dödligheten i EU |
Snuskommissionen |
2017 |
The Snus Commission |
Snus saves lives: A study of snus and tobacco-related mortality in the EU |
The Snus Commission |
2017 |
GBD 2016 Risk Factors Collaborators |
Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 |
Lancet 2017; 390: 1345–422 |
2017 |
Araghi, M. et al. |
Smokeless tobacco (snus) use and colorectal cancer incidence and survival: Results from nine pooled cohorts |
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 45(8), pp. 741–748 |
2018 |
Ramström, L |
Sweden's pathway to Europe's lowest level of tobacco-related mortality |
Tob. Induc. Dis. 2018;16(Suppl 1):A607 |
2019 |
Ramboll/Swedish Match |
Review and Update of the Literature on Use Behavior and Risk Perceptions Related to Swedish Snus |
Ramboll/Swedish Match |
2019 |
Ramboll/Swedish Match |
Systematic Review of and Update of the Literature on the Health Effects of Snus |
Ramboll/Swedish Match |
2019 |
Ramboll/Swedish Match |
The Impact of Flavoring on Tobacco/Nicotine Product Initiation and Attractiveness |
Ramboll/Swedish Match |
2020 |
Wackowski, O., O’Connor, R., Pearson, J. |
Smokers’ exposure to perceived modified risk claims for e-cigarettes, snus and smokeless tobacco in the United States |
Nicotine & Tobacco Research |
2020 |
Vedoy, T.F., Lund, K.E. |
The greater use of flavoured snus among ever-smokers versus never-smokers in Norway |
Harm Reduct J 17, 76 (2020) |
2020 |
Steinberg, M.B., Bover Manderski, M.T., Wackowski, O.A. et al. |
Nicotine Risk Misperception Among US Physicians |
J Gen Intern Med (2020) |
2020 |
Snuskommissionen |
Snusets hälsoeffekter |
Snuskommissionen |
2020 |
Byhamre, M. & Araghi, M. et al. |
Swedish snus use is associated with mortality: a pooled analysis of eight prospective studies |
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2020, 2041–2050 |
2020 |
Araghi, Marzieh, et al. |
No association between moist oral snuff (snus) use and oral cancer: pooled analysis of nine prospective observational studies |
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, May 2020 |
2020 |
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Nicotine products relative risk assessment: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
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2019 |
Clarke, E., Thompson, K., Weaver, S. et al. |
Snus: a compelling harm reduction alternative to cigarettes |
Harm Reduct J 16, 62 (2019) |
2021 |
Titova, O.E., Baron, J.A., Michaëlsson, K. et al. |
Swedish snuff (snus) and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality: prospective cohort study of middle-aged and older individuals. |
BMC Med 19, 111 (2021). |
2014 |
Hansson, J., et al. |
Snus (Swedish smokeless tobacco) use and risk of stroke: pooled analyses of incidence and survival |
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2013 |
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Nicotine might have a protective effect in the etiology of multiple sclerosis |
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2021 |
David Azzopardi, Chuan Liu & James Murphy |
Chemical characterization of tobacco-free “modern” oral nicotine pouches and their position on the toxicant and risk continuums |
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Nicotine without smoke Tobacco harm reduction |
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Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes |
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Estimating the Harms of Nicotine-Containing Products Using the MCDA Approach |
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2017 |
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Use of moist oral snuff (snus) and pancreatic cancer: Pooled analysis of nine prospective observational studies |
Int J Cancer . 2017 Aug 15;141(4):687-693 |
2022 |
Lund M, and Lund I |
Smoking cessation aids and strategies: a population-based survey of former and current: smokers in Norway |
BMC Public Health (2022) 22:631 |
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Harm Minimization and Tobacco Control: Reframing Societal Views of Nicotine Use to Rapidly Save Lives. |
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Health assessment of nicotine pouches |
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2023 |
Galanti, M.R., Andersson, F., Caspersen, I.H. et al. |
Current tobacco use and COVID-19 diagnoses in a cohort of adult clients of public dental clinics in Sweden |
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2023 |
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Quit smoking: methods and outcomes for Norwegian adults |
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2025 |
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) |
Decision Summary - Technical Project Lead (TPL) of PTMA for ZYN |
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2024 |
Alex P. Miller, PhD; David A. A. Baranger, PhD; Sarah E. Paul, MA; Hugh Garavan, PhD; Scott Mackey, PhD; Susan F. Tapert, PhD; Kimberly H. LeBlanc, PhD; Arpana Agrawal, PhD; Ryan Bogdan, PhD |
Neuroanatomical Variability and Substance Use Initiation in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence |
JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(12) |