
New study: Swedish snus saves lives

Swedish snus saves many from dying from tobacco-related diseases, every year. Furthermore, it doesn’t increase the risk of stroke or heart attack.

According to a new international study, the reason is the demanding standards that govern Swedish snus.

“There are lots of different types of snus and smokeless tobacco in other countries that lack the same controls as in Sweden,” said cardiologist Eli Heggen at Oslo University Hospital to

The new study is a compilation of 25 previously published reports on smokeless tobacco in both Europe and North America. The study is published in Open Heart, published by the Association of British Cardiologists.

Low risk of stroke due to snus

The study’s authors explain that those who use smokeless tobacco in North America are at a slightly increased risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. This connection could not be observed among Swedish snus users.

There are big differences between Swedish snus and other non-smoking tobacco products. Unlike other oral tobacco products, Swedish snus is produced according to demanding food safety standards. In addition, Swedish snus contains less nicotine than American smokeless tobacco products.

The study is yet another example of research that shows that Swedish snus cannot be linked to alleged risks such as heart attack or pancreatic cancer.

In 2018, the international research collaboration Global Burden of Disease published a report which found that 6.3 million people died due to smoking and another 900,000 died as a result of passive smoking.

The researchers could not find any deaths caused by snus.