Articles about Health
Beating cancer: Clive Bates on what the EU got wrong about tobacco
Beating cancer: Clive Bates on what the EU got wrong about tobacco
The European Commission recently released it’s much anticipated plan for beating cancer. While the goals are admirable, the EU Beating Cancer plan is plagued by a “fundamental error” when it comes to tobacco and nicotine, warns tobacco harm reduction advocate...
MEPs largely clueless about nicotine: survey
MEPs largely clueless about nicotine: survey
A recent survey of members of the European Parliament reveals at least a third of MEPs have no knowledge of new nicotine products. And up to one in five believe that some new nicotine products are as risky as ...
Snus Commission slams EU’s Beating Cancer Plan
Snus Commission slams EU’s Beating Cancer Plan
EU policymakers are guilty of spreading “fake news” about the true causes of cancer in their recently released Beating Cancer Plan, a Swedish group has claimed. In a sharply worded letter to the European Co...
Swedish MPs slammed for plan equating nicotine pouches with cigarettes
Swedish MPs slammed for plan equating nicotine pouches with cigarettes
A student organisation close to Sweden’s centre-right Moderate Party has sharply criticised two of the party’s MPs for seeking to tax tobacco-free nicotine pouches in the same way tobacco. Martin Berg...
Snus and harm reduction: Why smoking is down more in Norway than Australia
Snus and harm reduction: Why smoking is down more in Norway than Australia
Norway and Australia boast some of the world’s toughest tobacco regulations. But only one country has succeeded in virtually eliminating smoking among young people. And evidence suggests the availability of sn...
New report on snus as a quit smoking aid
New report on snus as a quit smoking aid
More and more people are interested in how Swedish snus can be used as an aid to quit smoking. The latest report on the subject, from Tove Sohlberg and Peter Wennberg, two researchers at Stockholm Universit...
New report reveals snus use patterns in Sweden
New report reveals snus use patterns in Sweden
A new report on snus use from Sweden's Central Association for Alcohol and Drug Information, CAN, shows that approximately 17 percent of the Swedish population used snus in some form in 2019. Since 2013 CA...
Nicotine and Covid-19: the world needs Sweden’s help
Nicotine and Covid-19: the world needs Sweden’s help
Widespread use of snus puts Sweden in a unique position to help the world better understand the relationship between nicotine and Covid-19 argues Mark Oates of the New Nicotine Alliance (NNA) in a Snusforu...
Coronavirus pandemic helps US see benefits of snus
Coronavirus pandemic helps US see benefits of snus
Can the coronavirus pandemic convince smokers to switch to snus? The question is currently discussion in the United States, the country hardest hit by Covid-19. Researchers and doctors around the world are ...