Articles tagged with EU4Snus

Bengt Wiberg: one inventor’s fight to legalise snus in the EU
Bengt Wiberg: one inventor’s fight to legalise snus in the EU
In the first instalment of Snusforumet's Harm Reduction Heroes series, Snusforumet catches up with Bengt Wiberg, a Swedish entrepreneur whose passion for snus has spawned a global movement to legalise snus in the EU – as well as patents to help make the Swedi...

Guitar hero Slash: Snus ‘the best discovery in the world’
Guitar hero Slash: Snus ‘the best discovery in the world’
Rock star Slash, lead guitarist of the iconic 90s rock band Guns N’ Roses, has re-affirmed his love for Swedish snus. “When I first quit smoking, which was in 2009, pretty soon after that I discovered...