Articles tagged with ANDTS

Harm Reduction
Patrik Strömer budget folkhälsa tobakspolitik

Harm reduction gains ground in updated Swedish tobacco policy

Harm reduction gains ground in updated Swedish tobacco policy

The Swedish government’s latest budget proposal includes new language that changes the overarching goal of tobacco and nicotine policy from reducing consumption to reducing harm.  “This is a clear political statement from the government that harm reduction...

snusforumet readership

Snusforumet readership reaches new heights

Snusforumet readership reaches new heights

Snusforumet readership jumped 44 percent during 2021 amid rising interest in tobacco and public health policy both in Sweden and internationally. “It’s extremely gratifying to know that so many people are i...

Johan Hultberg, M

Swedish government rebuked for failing to include tobacco harm reduction in public health bill

Swedish government rebuked for failing to include tobacco harm reduction in public health bill

Sweden’s parliament has voted down a controversial government public health proposal criticised by lawmakers for failing to include tobacco harm reduction. The vote in the full chamber of the Riksdag follow...


‘No connection’ between how much one snuses and increased mortality

‘No connection’ between how much one snuses and increased mortality

A new study from Umeå University and the Karolinska Institutet has identified an increased risk of mortality among users of Swedish snus compared to non-tobacco users, but the supposed link may instead be rela...


Why you should NOT equate snus with cigarettes: 3 arguments

Why you should NOT equate snus with cigarettes: 3 arguments

Despite the huge differences in health risks between smoking and snus, there are those who still believe that all tobacco use should be treated equally when shaping policy. Below are a few arguments for why it...


Snus in 2019: the year in review

Snus in 2019: the year in review

Patrik Strömer,  Secretary General of the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacturers, reflects on this year's biggest events surrounding snus in 2019, while also finding time to ponder what he wants from F...


What’s in Sweden’s new tobacco bill?

What’s in Sweden’s new tobacco bill?

Patrik Strömer, General Secretary of the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacturers, takes a closer look at Sweden's latest tobacco bill. In the proposal for a new tobacco law presented by Sweden’s health mi...