Articles tagged with Sweden


5 things we’d like to see happen at WHO COP9 – but probably won’t

5 things we’d like to see happen at WHO COP9 – but probably won’t

Ahead of the WHO COP9 meetings, check out the Snusforumet wish list of possible events, developments, and decisions that we’d like to see happen when it comes to the FCTC and tobacco harm reduction. But we won’t hold our breath - and neither should you. #snus...

anti-smoking McCarthyism

‘Anti-smoking McCarthyism’ behind Sweden’s lack of tobacco harm reduction leadership

‘Anti-smoking McCarthyism’ behind Sweden’s lack of tobacco harm reduction leadership

Fears of being vilified via anti-smoking McCarthyism from “abstinence-only ideologues” have kept Sweden and other governments from fully supporting tobacco harm reduction policies and products like snus and ni...

Johan Hultberg, M

Swedish government rebuked for failing to include tobacco harm reduction in public health bill

Swedish government rebuked for failing to include tobacco harm reduction in public health bill

Sweden’s parliament has voted down a controversial government public health proposal criticised by lawmakers for failing to include tobacco harm reduction. The vote in the full chamber of the Riksdag follow...


Fewer smokers in Sweden

Fewer smokers in Sweden

The international science magazine New Scientist has highlighted Sweden's path towards becoming a smoke-free nation.  In 2016, only 5 percent of men aged 30 to 44 smoked, and in total, only 8 percent of Swe...