Articles tagged with Patrik Strömer
Strömer reflects on a decade defending snus in Sweden: ‘fantastic and surreal’
Strömer reflects on a decade defending snus in Sweden: ‘fantastic and surreal’
Patrik Strömer looks back on ten years as Secretary General of the Association of Swedish Snus Manufacturers, reflecting on how things have changed - both in Sweden and globally - since he stepped into the role in 2014. It’s been a decade since Patrik Strö...
New study dispels nicotine gateway myth
New study dispels nicotine gateway myth
Smoking among US high schoolers has “basically disappeared” despite a recent surge in vaping, proving that fears about safter alternatives acting as a nicotine gateway to cigarettes among young people are over...
Snus and the EU: The debate since 1995
Snus and the EU: The debate since 1995
From just another tobacco product to a public health phenomenon, how has a small pouch managed to keep tongues wagging across the EU for nearly 30 years? Patrik Strömer, Secretary General of the Association of...
Harm reduction gains ground in updated Swedish tobacco policy
Harm reduction gains ground in updated Swedish tobacco policy
The Swedish government’s latest budget proposal includes new language that changes the overarching goal of tobacco and nicotine policy from reducing consumption to reducing harm. “This is a clear political...
‘Why won’t Sweden fight for public health in the EU?’
‘Why won’t Sweden fight for public health in the EU?’
As the EU considers tightening rules on nicotine pouches, the Swedish government's lack of engagement draws attention. While other nations advocate for bans, Sweden, known for its groundbreaking public health ...
‘How Sweden Quit Smoking’ premieres in Stockholm
‘How Sweden Quit Smoking’ premieres in Stockholm
At the Stockholm premiere of 'How Sweden Quit Smoking', We Are Innovation showcased Sweden's journey to being smoke-free. CEO Federico Fernandez emphasized innovative solutions like snus, while panelists discu...
Swedish government moves to slash snus taxes by 20 percent
Swedish government moves to slash snus taxes by 20 percent
The Swedish government has put forward a legislative proposal to the Law Council, suggesting a reduction in snus taxes and an increase in taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. These proposals were an...
Snusforumet’s most-read articles of 2023
Snusforumet’s most-read articles of 2023
Curious about which snus stories everybody was reading last year? We've put together a list of the five most popular articles from 2023. These are the stories that got everyone talking and kept our team bu...
European Parliament backs safer tobacco policy
European Parliament backs safer tobacco policy
EU tobacco rules might be changing, affecting how they deal with products like snus and nicotine pouches. The European Parliament just voted for a strategy that supports a science-backed harm reduction approac...