Articles about Science


Snus and harm reduction: urgent need to better inform the public

Snus and harm reduction: urgent need to better inform the public

If more people in Sweden and elsewhere knew that snus was less harmful than carcinogenic cigarettes, many lives could be saved, a series of new studies from the US about snus and harm reduction have found.   “Throughout the EU, 355,000 lives could be saved...


No link between snus and oral cancer, new study shows

No link between snus and oral cancer, new study shows

Using Swedish snus doesn’t increase the likelihood of developing oral cancer, according to a new study looking at the relationship between snus and oral cancer. The results are based on a sample of more...


Snus and Covid-19: Sweden launches new research project

Snus and Covid-19: Sweden launches new research project

Following pleas from a prominent tobacco harm reduction advocate, researchers in Sweden are now examining the relationship between nicotine in snus and Covid-19 using a unique Swedish data set. “Sweden has ...


Diabetes and snus: high BMI a greater risk than snus

Diabetes and snus: high BMI a greater risk than snus

A new study has shown a link between type-2 diabetes and snus. But the study does not show that snus on its own significantly increases the risk of contracting the disease. Researchers from Karolinska Insti...


How false information about snus affects public health in Norway

How false information about snus affects public health in Norway

Medical research clearly demonstrates that snus is a lesser risk to health than smoking, but the myth that snus and cigarettes carry equivalent health risks persists, hampering efforts to improve public health...


New US study confirms that smokers have faulty perception of snus

New US study confirms that smokers have faulty perception of snus

A new study from Rutgers University has revealed that a large proportion of smokers in the United States mistakenly believe that snus is as harmful to their health as carcinogenic cigarettes. “It’s a seriou...


New study: Swedish snus saves lives

New study: Swedish snus saves lives

Swedish snus saves many from dying from tobacco-related diseases, every year. Furthermore, it doesn’t increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. According to a new international study, the reason is the d...


Despite headlines, new research reveals ‘no new risks’ associated with snus use

Despite headlines, new research reveals ‘no new risks’ associated with snus use

The Swedish medical journal Läkartidningen has written an article claiming that new research reveals snus users face a higher risk of heart failure compared with those who neither smoke nor use snus, generatin...


Snus does not increase risk of pancreatic cancer

Snus does not increase risk of pancreatic cancer

Swedish researchers have published an article in the prestigious International Journal of Cancer, which shows no increased risk of pancreatic cancer among snus users.  The largest study on snus to date T...