Articles tagged with Jo Churchill


BBC highlights snus’s potential to help cut UK smoking rates

BBC highlights snus’s potential to help cut UK smoking rates

Swedish snus played a starring role in a recent BBC news segment exploring the smokeless tobacco product’s potential to help cut UK smoking rates. The segment also features Professor David Nutt, an expert in addiction at the Imperial College of London who ...

jo churchill uk snus ban review

UK breaks from ‘flawed’ EU science with vow of evidence-based snus ban review

UK breaks from ‘flawed’ EU science with vow of evidence-based snus ban review

UK health minister Jo Churchill’s promise of an evidence-based snus ban review marks a significant turning point in acknowledging the questionable science behind the impact assessment used by the EU to justify...


New calls to overturn UK snus ban post-Brexit

New calls to overturn UK snus ban post-Brexit

The New Nicotine Alliance, a UK-based non-profit, has launched a campaign to overturn the UK snus ban, sending a proposal to key decision makers in a bid to legalise Swedish snus.  The UK left the EU in Feb...


Snus after Brexit: positive signals from UK government

Snus after Brexit: positive signals from UK government

The British government has given the first indications that it might consider legalising the sale of snus after Brexit now that the country has left the European Union.  In the run up to Brexit, a growing n...