Welcome to Snusforumet!
We are pleased to launch this international version of Snusforumet, which has been published in Swedish since 2014.
So what is snus and why does it deserve a site dedicated to publishing news and information for an international audience?
Snus is tobacco, salt, and water, and has been used in Sweden for more than 200 years.
As luck would have it, Sweden’s long history of snus use has also contributed to Swedish men being the healthiest in the EU when it comes to tobacco-related diseases.
But because tobacco is controversial and often equated with smoking (which everyone knows is harmful), access to information about snus outside of Sweden is often limited. Not even Sweden’s own policies highlight the country’s own success when it comes to reducing the harm caused by tobacco thanks to snus.
Sweden is a member of the EU, where snus has been banned since 1992. Sweden received a permanent exemption from the ban when it joined the EU 1995, meaning snus is and will remain available in Sweden.
With 100 million smokers in the EU, one billion smokers worldwide, and a small cold country with a 200-year tradition, we believe that snus could help save lives around the world if only more people knew about it.
Furthermore, the industry is changing rapidly. Traditional cigarette companies are launching new products free from harmful smoke and tar. But the Swedish manufacturers of authentic snus remain secure in the virtues of their product. Virtually all relevant research confirms that the health effects of snus are far different and far less dangerous than those of smoking.
We believe this knowledge could be useful in other countries as well. Which is why we’re launching the international edition of Snusforumet. We want to make it easier for everyone who wants to know more about snus and nicotine pouches to have easy access to reliable facts and information.
We hope that Snusforumet can help spread the word about snus beyond Sweden’s borders so that other countries and regions can – hopefully – replicate the “Swedish Experience” of tobacco harm reduction.
So please explore the site, share your favourite articles, and don’t forget to subscribe to the Snusforumet newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter @snusforum.
Patrik Strömer
Publisher, Snusforumet
Secretary General, Association of Swedish Snus Manufacturers