Articles tagged with Finland
‘Finland and Sweden should join forces to liberalise EU snus legislation’
‘Finland and Sweden should join forces to liberalise EU snus legislation’
Support for more liberal snus legislation is growing in Finland - but it’s at the EU level that change must take place. Sweden's next government should join forces with Finland to help rally public opinion and work together to liberalise EU snus legislation, ...
Political support grows for lifting snus ban in Finland
Political support grows for lifting snus ban in Finland
The snus ban in Finland has led to a growing black market for snus, costing the state coffers important revenues without reducing demand for snus, warns the Swedish Peoples’ Party of Finland's youth wing as it...
Is Finland about to legalise snus sales?
Is Finland about to legalise snus sales?
According to a new survey by Finish public broadcaster Yle, an increasing number of Finnish members of parliament now want to lift the country's snus ban and legalise snus sales. Finland banned t...