Articles tagged with Cancer

EU tobacco mortality: Snus a ‘major factor’ behind Sweden’s low rates
EU tobacco mortality: Snus a ‘major factor’ behind Sweden’s low rates
A new analysis of EU tobacco mortality rates reveals that snus use is a “major factor” in explaining why men in Sweden have a significantly lower chance of dying from tobacco-related illnesses compared to men elsewhere in Europe. The study, carried out by ...

US study: Most doctors falsely believe nicotine causes cancer
US study: Most doctors falsely believe nicotine causes cancer
According to a new study from the USA, eight out of ten doctors incorrectly believe nicotine leads to cancer, heart, and respiratory diseases, when in reality these diseases are caused by the toxic substances ...
Snus does not increase risk of pancreatic cancer
Snus does not increase risk of pancreatic cancer
Swedish researchers have published an article in the prestigious International Journal of Cancer, which shows no increased risk of pancreatic cancer among snus users. The largest study on snus to date T...